Tag Archives: having a positive attitude

I’m going to take Beyonce’s job

The past few days I have had a very strong urge to run away. Not to the house a couple doors down like when I was little but AWAY. Yesterday at mass the priest said that we are all called to be prophets, speaking the truth to people with love and charity. Well here’s the truth. To be honest, having a positive attitude sometimes is exhausting, and although I still await the results of my most recent interview, I am just tired of it. Literally, I have been losing sleep. And the nightmares have been getting weird, people. The other night some weirdo was looking for me and wanted to set me on FIRE. That can only be the dream of an anxious mind such as my own.

The time between a job interview and the dreaded/anticipated e-mail or phone call with a rejection or an offer is just the worst. Like I’ve said, I am not a very patient person. I can wait an extra hour for takeoff because of plane maintenance (because if I don’t that probably means it will fall apart during my flight), I can also wait in line behind difficult customers at Target who give the cashier 29384 coupons (because they’re just trying to save money and it usually doesn’t take weeks).But waiting to hear whether I am the chosen one for a job I really want is almost unbearable. More than likely, for the hiring managers the decision doesn’t hold as much weight. It probably isn’t the first thing on their mind when they wake up in the morning. For me, however, I wake up to no job and wonder when the time will come again when I have to be somewhere by 8am every day (I actually miss that). These hiring managers have got the powa to give me a job, and I really don’t like that it’s in their hands at this point. I’ve been thinking of sending kind, intimidating e-mails saying that they really should hire me, what are they waiting for, but I haven’t gone completely crazy yet, also I’m a PROFESSIONAL.

I’m just really anxious to get to the next step. Maybe it’s irrational to think that until I find a job, I am just stuck. But getting a job is my top priority, and until I find a way to finance my life without a job I need one really bad. Not to mention I would just love to put these GREAT ideas of mine to work. Did anyone see that Audi commercial during the Super Bowl yesterday where this boy walks right into prom and kisses someone else’s date just because he’s feeling all confident and empowered?? I want to walk into someplace and take a job just like that. I think the boy ends up with a black eye but the point is I am tired of waiting and really want to take matters into my own hands.

In conclusion, the world does not revolve around me. And even though I never thought of myself as the type of person who thinks that, this unemployment game is just a nice little reminder. Now ain’t that the truth.

(Speaking of the Super Bowl, if anyone knows how I can pursue a career of being Beyoncé that is also something I would like to do and might be good at.)

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