Cube life: What I miss

Now that summer weather has arrived I feel like I’m on vacation. It’s not so bad laying out in the sun with a book and an ice cold Diet Coke (IT TASTES BETTER THAN REGULAR COKE PEOPLE). There are moments, however, where I really wouldn’t mind being in a dark cubicle freezing under the air conditioning vent stupidly positioned directly above me instead. One day I will regret those words, but the grass is always greener on the other side isn’t it???  I do know that the grass I’m laying on right now is a healthy, lush green color, but having a more lush shade of green in my bank account is something I really wouldn’t mind right about now.

People have said to me that they are jealous that I’m not working which makes me laugh. HAHA. I will gladly take over your job for you. I have had some good timez as an unemployed person, but there are things about having a job that I truly miss and that I will never complain about once I get that job! (for the first few months anyway…)

Participating in conversations about work/co-workers

“So today Gary from work said the FUNNIEST thing…” A little while ago I found myself amidst an exchange of workplace stories between my friends. Everyone was discussing their crazy co-workers and other corporate shenanigans. I could have offered up stories about my internship and whatnot, but that felt like old news so I chose to stay quiet and sip my wine instead. Gary doesn’t even sound that funny.

My business casual clothes

So I have been sporting my famous interview outfit pretty often these days, but the majority of my business casual clothes have been neglected in the back of my closet. I kind of miss wearing them. I know for a fact that if I have to wear them in the near future in the glorious Wisconsin humidity as I walk from my car to the office I will regret saying that, but then as I settle into the Ice Age climate of a normal corporate office I may be thankful for them once again.

Waking up REALLY early

I always had 8am classes the last couple years of college and when I didn’t have class I had to get to work early. I am NOT a natural morning person. You can ask most people and they will tell you that I’m not so pleasant early in the mornings. Until I’ve finished my coffee. But I do like to be up early, it makes me feel like a better life participant.

Happy hour

Happy hour is really designed for people with “9 to 5” jobs, so I’ll feel better about participating in that once I get one for myself. Any hour of the day could be happy hour for me, but I feel better about my chances of getting a job if I don’t follow that philosophy.

Obviously I want a job for many more reasons than the above, like to make a living and advance my career and put my education to good use. Maybe I’ll write about those another time. But for now I gotta go. I need a Diet Coke refill.

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